What are You Waiting For?

September was a good time to start thinking about what you would like to accomplish this Fall, the things that you have been putting off or the new ideas that have come to mind. October is here, it’s time to hunker down. So, as we approach the end of another tumultuous year of ups and downs, as we learn to navigate around and within the confines of COVID, we don’t have to let this year be a wash. Set some goals for the end of the year.

As you start to think about the things you want to accomplish/change/start this Fall, do you get excited about it? Or are you overwhelmed with the thought of how you are going to reach that goal? When we embark on something new we often get caught up in how we are going to reach the end result, rather than focusing on the journey to get there.

But, when we break it down into small steps, it doesn’t seem as overwhelming. The small actionable steps actually start to feel doable. There are steps we need to take, whether they happen intuitively or deliberately, in order to make things happen for us.

Step 1: Get clear on what that thing is

Step 2: Connect with our main motivation, which will keep us going through to the end

Step 3: Let go of the things big or small that are keeping us stuck

Step 4: Take empowered, actionable steps to make it happen

Step 5: Be ready to receive whatever it is that we put out into the world

If you missed my workshop in September that walks you through these steps, you can catch the REPLAY here.

Now that you have figured out what it is you want to focus on this Fall, what are you waiting for? It’s time to put the wheels in motion and make things happen!

I read a beautiful poem the other day written by an unknown author, which was so relevant to this topic, I wanted to include it here because it says it all about not waiting until….

Barely the day started and... it's already six in the evening.

Barely arrived on Monday and it's already Friday.

... and the month is already over.

... and the year is almost over.

... and already 40, 50 or 60 years of our lives have passed.

… and we realize it's too late to go back...

And we are constantly saying to ourselves that we will do it ‘later’ or we will do it ‘after’. This poem continues…

I'm doing it after...

I'll say after...

I'll think about it after...

We leave everything for later like ′′ after ′′ is ours.

Because what we don't understand is that:

Afterwards, the coffee gets cold...

Afterwards, priorities change...

Afterwards, the charm is broken...

Afterwards, health passes...

Afterwards, the kids grow up...

Afterwards parents get old...

Afterwards, promises are forgotten...

Afterwards, the day becomes the night...

Afterwards life ends...

And then it's often too late....

So... Let's leave nothing for later...

Because still waiting see you later, we can lose the best moments,

The best experiences,

Best friends,

The best family...

The day is today... The moment is now...

-Unknown Author

How often do we say that we will do it later? Usually, we say we will do it later because something is standing in our way. We feel overwhelmed and we don’t know where to start or we have a big project coming up or we have a million other errands to run or we are not feeling up to it. We say we will do it after…

When we continue to tell ourselves that, after never comes. As the poem says, the moment is now. What are you waiting for? Let go of all of the excuses and start taking empowered action towards the things that you want in your life.

If you are feeling stuck or don’t know where or how to start, I can help you.

Book a 90-minute coaching session with me where I will help you to:

1. Get clear on what is keeping you stuck

2. Take the first small steps towards your goal

3. Feel empowered to receive whatever it is you want in your life

Client Testimonial

I was at a standstill in my life when I started working with Tanya. She was instrumental in helping me focus on the things that are important to me. I had a breakthrough that I never imagined possible. – R.D.


Have a glorious month!



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